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Ukraine FM interested in Israeli drones following visit
Опубліковано 30 жовтня 2014 року о 17:26

Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin declares mutual trust between nations have strengthened despite effort 'to discredit Ukrainians.'

Ukraine's foreign minister returned Thursday from Israel, where he discussed acquiring drones for his country.

Pavlo Klimki, the foreign minister, told Israel's Knesset Channel that he spoke in his meetings with government officials about possibly importing drones.

"It's very important in the framework of constant supervision of the cease fire," he said.

However, he said Ukraine has been talking about drones with other countries in general and EU states in particular, naming Germany, France and Italy.

"So the subject of drones is not as urgent as it was two-three months ago when everything was just starting.

Klimki thanked Israel for its support of Ukraine on Twitter on Thursday.

Earlier, he tweeted: "My conclusion in Israel: mutual understanding and trust between our nations have strengthened despite someone's effort to discredit Ukrainians."

Haaretz , Haaretz

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